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Cameron ;) o jake :€ cameron cameron ¡ O justin bieber

Quien es mas guapo cameron el guapo¡ O ooo jake el soso o justin bieber baby baby uuuuu

  • Es actor sale en jessie Cameron el guapo ;) cameron cameron tiene pecas es gUapo sale en jessie y en muchas pelis una de ellas de yuyu la de reflejos es un cachas guapo.
  • Jake el soso es medio guapo no tiene pecas y sale en antfartescueladetalentos ya esta
  • Justin bieber baby baby uuuuu no puedo describirlo como me meta en justin biber voy deRechita a el hospital solo una cosa es cantante y canta como una chica

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Alison 17-12-2012 16:02

hello girls is tru isa live in front of the aunt of the :- cameron boyce xao she is my frien she is boba in spanis brcose i reali love austin om no austin no the boy of the jessie the portero in spanish jaja i reali likee spansh becose is funy and i have got a 3 brother are mellixos in spanish and 2 sisters olgers then me 1 have 14 yerars and the other 15 i have got 13 and the mellixos have got 8 years old luego i have got a two sisters gemelas of 6 years and a baby boy of 3 meses in dpankdh xao and a brother os 10 year is a peas
ao becose im he i love peytpn list os very beatifule my and she is godd line yea yea fud fus is a horribel boy and he name is luke my brother of 3 meses is alberto the girl of 14 is isa the sister os 15 is amanda tyhe trinizos are iker favio leo and the gemelas olga and mary xao xao bs
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Isa l 17-12-2012 15:46

hey girls im a girl my name is isa im from los angeles california i live in front of the hause the iaunt of cameron boyce y dont like cameron myvopinnion is cameron boyve for my es horribel i dont no for the girls and you think me in this page no me is in this page becose i have a friend from spain madrid and she spik me from this page and.. him hear . Xao i have got a party in texas i go to texas this mondey ....... xao
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Marta osea ilovecameronboyce 17-12-2012 05:47

Porsupuesto cameron jake despues y justin despues jijiji soy la creadora
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