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#Adivina la cancion (2-15)

#Adivina la cancion
1. Nombre del artista y la cancion
2. Los ganadores tendran premio (foto editada o collage de quien quieras)
3. No hagas trampa
4. Si no reclamas tu premio se lo doy al segundo lugar
Pd:Las fotos de los artistasno son el artista de la cancion
Pd2:La cifra aunmentara, habran 10 ganadores

Aqui va!

Maybe itÂ’s the way she walked
Straight into my heart & stole it
Through the doors and pass the guards
Just like she already owned it

I said “can you give it back to me?"
She said “never in your wildest dreams"
1er Ganador: GrupoVioletta Official✓

  • 1 50%
  • 1 50%

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DAYS 19-10-2013 14:10

Recuerden poner el artista, punto para Cabras Saltarinas #Val :)
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NanoForeverInMy oveNano

NanoForeverInMy oveNano 19-10-2013 14:07

Best Song Ever .. Desgraci4!! AHaha Venistes Primero que Yo Bella cabra!!! =D
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CabrasSaltarinasVal 19-10-2013 14:05

Best Song Ever
One direction

Collage de Miley Cyrus
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