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Cameron Boyce O Benjamin lasnier O johnny ORLANDO

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Brendalee 23-02-2016 19:18

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Chloe channel 23-12-2015 16:10

god the person not is den cuent of what benjamin lasnier and johnny orlando they are more beautiful what cameron boyce in others ratings they ware jake short ,mattyb .cameron boyce and ross lynch and forever won ross lynch u cameron boyce not se give cuentof what jake short is beautiful equal what mattyb and in the ratings forever he wals of last one and he is beautiful not give cuent i love jake short
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Ale 28-03-2015 18:18

1. Cierra tu puño
2. Di el nombre de tu amor
3. Di el nombre de un dia de la.semana
4. Di tu nombre
5. Abre tu mano
6. Pega esto en otros 15 comentarios y el dia que dijiste (paso N3) te va a decir que le gustas y te va a pedir que sean novios. SI RECHAZAS ESTO TE VA A IR MAL EN TUS RELACIONES ESTOS ULTIMOS 3 AÑOS OJO es cierto
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Montse 06-05-2014 17:29

Amo a johny lo prefiero
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Nicolle Swaggiee 01-09-2013 16:42

Amo a Cameron Y benja
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Bianka-Lima 18-08-2013 12:21

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Nicolle 22-04-2013 20:47

1 Benjamin L
2 Cameron Boyce
3 Johnny Orlando
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