Mejor Proyecto de Feria CientÃfica 2017
Vote por el que considere el mejor proyecto de Feria CientÃfica 2017.
10 - Food conservation using a vacuum pump
10-Robotic Arm
10-PHC (Purifies, heats, cook)
10-Gravitational energy into mechanical energy
10- ADN
11-Determining types of pollination and compatibility in plants
11-Effectiveness of garlic in fighting bacteria
11-Autonomous RC Car
11-Shapeoko 3D Cutter
12-Where do Earthworms hang out when food is around?
12-Does 100% fruit juice have more vitamin C than juice with artificial ingredients?
12-Creating a video game for the blind
12-Overcome Acne
12-Rock Disintegration for foraminiferal extraction
9-How to clean water with vegetation
9-Lactose, Sucrose, and Glucose: How many Sugars are in your smoothie?
9-Ruben's Tube
9-What is the behavior of animals towards colors?
9-Water distiller with recycle materials
9-Minds of their own: A chemical reaction that changes, then changes back
8-Agriculture Car
8-Water Electrolysis
8-Wind Energy and Solar energy
8-Building your own tool for identifying DNA: Gel electrophoresys
8-Sublimation and Deposition with Iodine
8-Flaming Flask
8-Sodium Acetate crystals
7-Rocket Science
7-Sparkfun Redbot
7-How to turn mud into energy?
Karol Sevilla 13-05-2017 15:27
Lionel Ferro 13-05-2017 15:20