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Reina Teen Costa Oriental 2011


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HYWXktMb5nW 13-12-2015 05:56

1. 我發覺政府藥房真係好不知所謂喎 前幾年我老豆又係通波仔 屯門 btw又係 失敗 又係啲藥寫錯instruction 好彩我老豆打返電話同病房醫生confirm返 後尾醫生鬧爆藥房 2. 你quote果單投訴我唔係好明 藥水支架唔會話一定要用 醫生會同你講cost and benefit 用乜會有幾多% risk會喺幾多年之內塞返 由個病人決定邊樣值 冇話 對於兩間公立醫院就病人手術所需物料研判不一 病人家屬深表質疑 並認為當初決定使用昂貴滲藥性支架的醫生涉錯誤評估 囉 同埋醫院個解釋都reasonable 右股溝動脈扭曲 你未篤條導管入去係唔知嘅 至於點解唔即刻轉去左邊 我諗係佢做手術時落咗薄血藥 而且家陣係講緊篤穿條動脈 醫生唔想同時篤晒兩邊流血不止囉 ://mptepslzi [url=://pjgsvmreqak]pjgsvmreqak[/url] [link=://qlxlymengtb]qlxlymengtb[/link]
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LGYhfUD03Q 12-12-2015 23:52

You know what, I'm very much iniencld to agree.
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YGHQZWMXDezi 12-12-2015 04:12

polyxronos athensville!exeis dgimouriisei ena poly omorfo alla kai xrisimo blog, to opoio exei sinisferei sth zwh ths athinas (exei beltiwsei tha elega thn athinaikh zwh). auto den einai katholou ligo!exeis bebaia na beltiotheis akomh ki'allo, dioti eidika sthn arxh hsoun arketa narrow-minded, alla teleutaia nomizw anoigese se diaforetikes idees kai gnwmes. opote synexise etsi!prosopika de m'aresoun katholou auta ta 'poihtika' posts sou, me tis photo klp. protimw ta teleiws praktika-enhmerwtika posts, me tis xilies miries xrisimes info pou episinapteis, alla kai pou grafeis toso wraia. eksallou auto diakrinei to blog sou: ta mikra xrisima post (mpiksame sthn anagh tou kathenos na epikoinwnisei ta eswpsyxa tou).wstoso auto to post mou arese! einai k ta genethlia sou! kai pali polyxronos kai dimiourgikos! h athina se exei anagh!
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Yuneire 31-07-2011 18:31

bueno estos es una vatacion para ti espero que sea la reina de venezuela te deseo lo mejor ah ti que dios te cuide mucho y te der muchos mas que sea alquien en la vida
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