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Stay With Me

My favorite song of R5, I Love Them R5 are the best band in the world,I love all his songs especially Stay With me because the lyrics are beautiful and chorus alike, R5 i love them you with all my heart The lyrics of Stay With Me is beautiful I leave you subtitling.
I hope your comment

  • R5 - Stay With Me (Studio Session) (VEVO LIFT): Brought To You By McDonald's
  • R5 - "Stay With Me" - Subtitulado al Español

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ByJeny LynchRfamily

ByJeny LynchRfamily 15-04-2015 20:42

Me encanta! :)
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Arianator AndDirectioner

Arianator AndDirectioner 06-04-2015 12:39

Es fantástica :)
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Jenniiii 31-03-2015 10:20

me gustan todas las de R5 SON las mejores lo amo te amo Roos LYnch
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EllingtønLe RatlîFfBaxtrR

EllingtønLe RatlîFfBaxtrR 30-03-2015 11:24

Uhh a Thank you sister!
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